
Debt to Financial Freedom Ep15: Offset Accounts with Shelly Medina

Debt to Financial Freedom Ep15: Offset Accounts with Shelly Medina

In this insightful episode of the Debt to Financial Freedom podcast, host Victor Lagos, founder of Lagos Financial, sits down with Shelley Medina, the Growth Manager at Lagos Financial, to demystify the complexities of offset accounts. They delve into how offset accounts can be a game-changer in reducing mortgage interest and accelerating your path to financial freedom.

Victor and Shelley share practical tips for homeowners and investors, highlighting the benefits of using multiple offset accounts and the importance of financial discipline. Whether you’re looking to save on your home loan or maximise your investment returns, this episode provides valuable strategies tailored for you. Tune in to the Debt to Financial Freedom podcast and take a step closer to optimising your finances with Lagos Financial.

0:02 [Music] so the the landscape around commercial 0:09 or self-managed super funds is slightly different um and anybody who's ever spoken to A lender would understand um 0:17 that um regulatory requirements can be different um you know these some loans 0:23 like self managed super funds um are regulated a lot stricter much more many 0:29 more condition in terms of you know the types of property and how you manage it and things like that um so it it goes 0:37 without saying that the offset is always going to be very different um if available at all right so not every um 0:45 financial institution who offers commercial lending or self-managed super funds are actually going to allow you to 0:51 have an offset account welcome to the debt to Financial Freedom podcast I'm your host Victor Lagos and the founder 0:58 of Lagos Financial I've been in the finance and lending industry for 16 years and I've personally made Financial 1:04 mistakes and learned from them I started this podcast to share stories and lessons on my own journey and to share 1:11 insights that may help others on their journey and I interview people that I've connected with that share the same 1:18 values and Mission to help others create Financial Freedom welcome to the debt to Financial 1:23 Freedom podcast I am your host Victor Lagos I'm also the founder of Lagos 1:30 financial and the co-founder of propeller so uh today we' got an A 1:36 different type of guest my guest today is Shelley Medina and she is the growth 1:43 manager of Logos Financial welome Shell thanks Victor it's um I'm really 1:49 excited to be here on my first podcast for Lagos Financial yeah so I guess before we 1:55 start um going into uh today's I guess top we're going to really cover off a lot about offset 2:02 accounts because our clients always asking about offsets uh for the listeners are you able to share your 2:08 story I guess in your background in in financial services and what led you to work for for 2:13 Lagos yeah absolutely thank you so um my uh background is retail banking um I 2:21 spent almost 20 years um across a couple of different um major Banks um here in 2:28 Australia um I've had really diverse roles I started in um a call center and 2:35 um have worked through into branches um and also uh leading uh digital banking 2:42 teams um I've also worked with a professional membership Organization for 2:47 people in finances um and looking after the education um of people working at Banks 2:55 so um lots of time in retail banking lots of customer facing time as as well 3:00 um which is really my passion um what led me to losos uh was um 3:08 actually I I think I I I like telling people that the reason I actually joined Lagos was because I listened to your 3:15 first podcast um and you talked about uh your background and your parents and you 3:21 know it really resonated with me around um the importance of what people in 3:27 financial services do um and and and how important it is to make sure that you're 3:32 looking after your clients and doing the right thing by them so um really proud 3:38 and really happy to be working um with you and the team here at L Bal yeah 3:43 awesome yeah it's been really great to have you on board and I want to share um I guess a story from the beginning when 3:50 you and I caught up uh in Melbourne and you were telling me how you raised your 3:56 three kids uh and you taught them about money very early on and I think I always 4:02 wanted to share that with the audience because it's something that a lot of parents don't do and I can relate to 4:09 that my parents didn't teach me much about money uh and I had to figure out on my own so can you share a little bit 4:15 about that experience and I guess on the impact that's had to your kids in the later years of their life now yeah of 4:21 course yeah um you know my my my upbringing was very similar I'm really hard you know workingclass parents um 4:29 and and I think they tried to protect us from the realities of you know fi their financial situation so we never really 4:36 talked about money um and then when I started working in banking I realized 4:42 how little I knew about banking you know that I didn't really understand the 4:48 importance of savings the importance of managing your credit um so I really 4:54 wanted to instill that in my in in my three boys I wanted to teach them that 5:00 earning money came with responsibility and with discipline um and that there 5:06 was a a way that you could work really hard but enjoy the money that you had um 5:14 you know to to create some freedom for yourself and and some Financial 5:19 stability um so you know from the moment the boy started working we sat down and 5:25 I said this is awesome you're going to have this all this money that you can um do things with and buy things with um 5:33 but you have to have a savings plan you you have to put money aside um and so 5:38 each of the boys uh from the moment they've worked we've sat down and we've done a plan you know how much money are 5:43 you going to save how much money do you need obviously at 14 your overheads are very high uh so you have the ability to 5:52 save quite a lot um and I think it's wonderful you know and and so I think 5:58 that that's part of the reason why at 24 my first um my my oldest um bought his 6:04 first home um with a 20% deposit because he he understood the the discipline um 6:12 and the importance of having savings and thinking about your financial future yeah no it's really good that you 6:20 shared that and that's pretty impressive at 24 to to buy your first property at 20% and not need the bank of mom and dad 6:26 not need a guarantor loan not need and all these things that people get into in order to enter the property Market um 6:34 how long ago was that by the way so uh Liam did his purchase it was a a house 6:41 and land package couple of years you know to for the land to title and the house to build and all those sorts of 6:47 things so he actually um signed the contract at 22 um and moved in at the 6:55 beginning of this year okay so it wasn't that long ago which means there is hope right because 7:02 a lot of the stuff out there saying abely the current Generations can't afford to buy property in Australia anymore but it is possible with 7:08 discipline and and the right education and I guess that's why we've come together today is to really educate our 7:15 listeners and our our customers um because a lot of our customers ask questions about offset accounts and 7:22 whilst you know offset accounts are more applicable if you already have the loan 7:27 uh it's still important for people to understand of asss when they're leading up to saving for their for their first 7:33 property because once they bought that property and and all the savings are exhausted um they obviously want to pay 7:40 that loan back as fast as possible so um let's let's start let's let's learn a little bit about offset accounts um from 7:46 your own experience and then I'm happy to sort of jump in and share my own experiences as well yeah that would be 7:52 great um totally yeah look totally agree with you I think offset is something um is a term 7:58 that everybody's familiar with everybody's heard it um but I don't think people really understand um what 8:05 it is you know or how to use it uh and during my time in banking I saw a lot of 8:12 people who were missing out on the um benefits of H of using an oset because 8:18 they weren't quite sure what it was um so I suppose to start with the first 8:23 thing to know is that an offset account is basically a transaction account um it 8:29 it sits alongside your home loan um and it's uh used for you to park your 8:37 Surplus or your savings um to help you pay off your home loan sooner um and the 8:43 way it does that is um basically the money that you have in your offset is 8:49 deducted from the balance of your home loan so if you have a $300,000 home loan 8:55 and you have $50,000 in your offset you're only paying interest on um the 9:01 difference between the two um and what that does is that um it helps you pay off your homel soona 9:08 because over time the less interest you pay the more you pay off your principal because your repayments um are used in 9:16 that way um it's as I said it's a transaction account so you can have a a 9:23 fos or debit card linked to it you can use the money um freely so it's it's not 9:29 sitting ins inside the home loan um you have access to the cash that's in there 9:35 at any time um and quite often people set up their offset account separate to 9:41 their everyday transactions just as part of that um I guess discipline you know 9:48 of knowing that your offset money is in one account and that's working for you and then you have your expenses and 9:54 every day um set up in a separate account um 9:59 there are different types of offsets as well um and that will always depend on 10:04 the type of home loan you have um the policy of the bank that you're 10:10 with um so you know uh there are um what's called a 100% offset um or a 10:18 partial offset and the type of offset you're um eligible for will always 10:23 depend on the type of home loan you have um different as I said different banks have different policies is um around um 10:31 having an offset so it's really important um if you know that the offset 10:37 facility because that's what it's what's back to refer to it as a facility if the offset facility is available on your 10:43 home loan um that you understand what um 10:49 the terms and conditions of that offset are and and how to use it um because in 10:55 some instances you actually need to request for it to be activated it's not automatically activated you might need 11:01 to fill out a form um you might have to do it at the beginning of your home loan when you sign your loan exceptions 11:06 paperwork so just check um with your um bank or lender um to find out what type 11:13 of Offset you have and how you can activate it awesome you covered off a lot 11:20 actually on on how offsets work I'm sure I'm sure a lot of people um you know have experience offet but probably don't 11:27 use them properly so you you mentioned a little bit about how have if you have an offset account and you you know you you 11:34 have your main account where sorry where all your funds are for offset and you have a separate account for your transactions um can you explain that a 11:41 little bit more and how that could work if you had multiple offsets so some banks that offer multiple and some that 11:47 only let you have one offset how you would kind of I guess maximize the benefit on those two different 11:52 structures yeah absolutely um I I I think the first thing to make sure is if 11:58 you are going to have uh multiple offset accounts again always check how the 12:03 banks um will manage your or activate your offset some banks have a cap on how 12:08 many offset accounts you can have um some banks will actually have a cap on 12:13 how much money you can actually offset off your home loan so before you go 12:19 setting up multiple offset accounts just make sure that you've covered those things so how many offset accounts can 12:25 you have some banks will let you have up to 99 um offset accounts some banks will 12:30 only let you have five some banks will charge you a facility fee so again check 12:36 with check the way your home loan is set up to see whether you're charged for the facility or whether you're charged per 12:43 account um and then check how much you can offset some banks have unlimited 12:49 offset some banks have a maximum amount of you know5 or $50,000 so really 12:56 important to check that before you start opening up accounts and deciding how to set up your finances um the way I used to speak to 13:04 to clients when we when we spoke about offset was that what you really wanted 13:09 to do was differentiate or separate that Surplus or savings money that you had 13:17 into one offset um and there's a number of different reasons for doing that um 13:23 one is you don't want to mix up your savings and your everyday um uh money 13:29 right so you want to really get a clear idea of how much you've got in savings 13:35 and sure you might need to sort of dip into it every so often if something happens or you need to ex extra cash but 13:41 that's separate in the same way that you would have a savings account and you would saving for a holiday you want to 13:47 see that balance growing and you want to see that separated from your everyday expenses because you don't want to 13:53 overspend yeah the other reason it's a really good idea to have um your offset 13:58 fund or your offset Savings in a separate account is really around 14:03 security so remember your offset account is a transaction account if you have a card linked to that account and you have 14:12 $50,000 in that account and you know knock on W you were to lose that card 14:17 the last thing you want to do is for somebody to be able to access that money so keeping your offet uh savings or 14:24 Surplus in a separate account um works really well there's also the psychology of seeing that money and not really 14:31 wanting to dip into it too much um because you know like any sort of 14:37 savings goal um it's nice to see that balance increasing and remembering like I said the higher the balance in your 14:43 offset depending on how the bank has set it up um the less interest you pay on your H loan so definitely a good idea if 14:50 you're able to have multiple offset accounts maybe think about having one for every day one for bills and one for 14:58 you know the bulk of your savings that's usually um the sorts of suggestions or 15:03 ideas I used to um uh share with my uh customers when I was in 15:08 banking yeah and what about fees you touched on some will let you do sort of 15:13 um a facility fee and other would be per account um for obviously we deal with a 15:20 lot of banks and different uh financial institutions what are the main differences you see when it comes to 15:25 like professional package monthly fees and annual fees yeah y so usually when you get a home 15:33 loan under a package you get um a a a cluster of different services that you 15:40 don't pay for separately because you pay one Ann so for example you might pay 15:46 $395 a year and that 39 $395 a year means you don't pay any um monthly 15:54 service fees on your home loan you might not have to pay for an offset facility you might get free 16:00 redraw um you they might um you might not have to pay the annual fee on a credit card if it's part of the 16:07 package so generally you know uh basic banking is covered under um the 16:16 package um and you might get one free transaction account I know some banks 16:21 have um you know your everyday account where if you deposit $2,000 a month you 16:27 don't pay a monthly account keeping fee um you might under the package that 16:33 might not apply to you but it might it might only be for one account so if you have multiple accounts you may only get 16:39 the monthly pack the monthly account keeping fee waved on the first account 16:45 um so just keep that in mind if the loan isn't packaged so if it's say a basic home loan um you might not have the oet 16:52 facility even available on a basic home loan um or um you might have a stand Ed 16:59 uh loan where you have an offset facility but you have to pay a monthly offset fee plus a monthly account 17:07 keeping fee on the transaction account so really important to understand the 17:12 structure of the fee schedules when you're setting up your home loan um and whether it's a package or not pack un 17:19 packaged loan okay and and you mentioned something about basic not maybe not having uh offset so some people might 17:26 ask a question um what's the difference between offset and redraw and the benefits of I guess one 17:34 versus the other yep yeah absolutely so look I I think um as long as it's a 100% 17:43 offset the benefit of whether the money sits separately in an offset account or 17:49 whether it sits in your redraw or in your home loan um you're essentially 17:54 getting the same benefit I think the biggest difference is access ability right so if you have money in your 18:01 redraw in your home loan um you have to draw the money out of your home loan put 18:07 it into a transaction account um and then be able to use that money so that's 18:13 you know one difference whereas in an offset account the money is already sitting in your transaction 18:20 account I think the other difference as well is technically in the RAR and I 18:25 know you and I spoke about this a little bit um um the money actually is the 18:31 bank's money when it's in a redraw um and many years ago there was a financial 18:38 institution who decided that they were going to call in the money in the redraw 18:45 accounts for their customers and it caused a lot of issues because there were people who were putting all their 18:51 surplus funds into the redraws for you know just in case for emergencies even 18:57 for things like um Renovations of the house um so just keep 19:02 in mind in your transaction account off that's an offset account accessibility 19:08 that those funds are yours to do with as you as you will in the redraw it's a 19:13 little bit more limited around what you can do and how you can access those funds yeah yeah awesome I want to add to 19:20 that a little bit just because we deal a lot with investors and some people don't actually understand the implications of 19:27 using redraw when it it comes to investment as well so I just I'll just explain from my experience and also what 19:33 I what I what I help with our investors to learn about is that you're right when 19:38 you put the money into the loan it's the bank's money um but it also means that 19:44 your when you're redrawing it you're actually that's exactly what it means you're drawing it out again so you're 19:51 reborrowing the money that's why we're saying it's a Banks money so what that means is that if you have 19:58 intent to ever convert your home your principal place of residence into an 20:03 investment property you can't claim the interest up to the original loan limit 20:09 anymore once you put money into the loan and redrawn it out because there's now a 20:15 I guess a paper trail that says you've paid that money back and now you've gone and used it again so therefore you 20:23 technically only owe against that property what you paid it down to so hypoth ically if you owed 500,000 and 20:31 you accumulated 100,000 if you put that money into into offset your loan balance 20:38 will still be 500,000 you'll just be paying interest on 400 but if you put that 100,000 into the loan you'll have 20:45 100,000 available assuming the bank let you access it and your balance will be 20:51 400,000 so if you then converted to an investment and said I want to claim interest on 500,000 you can't anymore 20:58 you can only claim it against 400 so that's something to keep in mind for investors uh if you ever want to know 21:04 the benefits of offset and if it's worth while paying for um and uh I guess the 21:09 other one bit I wanted to ask you was about for investors specifically if they have an interest 21:16 only loan and they have an offset account how can that benefit them 21:22 especially when it comes to Growing their wealth and accessing Equity yeah look I I I think that that's 21:28 really interesting and I I think it's really interesting that the benefits of an offset account are different for um 21:35 your uh principal place of residence so your your home um versus an investment 21:42 um property right so it it's again checking to make sure 21:48 that you understand how the offset work is it works is uh works is really 21:53 important you know in terms of the difference of an interest only um loan 22:00 having those funds uh separate in an offset account um is still minimizing 22:05 the interest you're paying on on an investment interest only so you know uh 22:11 and I think this is something that um you could probably clarify as well I 22:16 know that investors quite often have equal balances so the the balance of the home loan is equal to the balance of the 22:23 offset account and therefore they're not paying any interest accessibility to those funds um is is there for for them 22:30 to use for um whatever purposes they want so um that's essentially you know the 22:39 sort of uh benefit that that an investor could get um keeping in mind I guess 22:46 things like um whether in terms of what your tax benefits are um and whether you 22:53 are I can't think of the word I can't think of the word um 22:59 and I I have an investment property and I can't think of the word of in Terms of paying less tax um negative gearing 23:08 negative gearing that's it thank you um yeah so keeping in mind around you know 23:15 that the interest you pay um on your home loan um can be used in if you're 23:21 negative gearing so just keep that in mind as well and talk to your accountant about how to best use your offset 23:27 account um if you have an investment property um I think you could probably add a lot more to that 23:34 Victor yeah I guess what I wanted to sort of touch on around interest only 23:40 with an offset versus principle and interest with an offset so if you have a 23:46 loan that's p& or principal and interest the expectation is that you make a 23:51 repayment every single month which essentially reduces the loan limit or what's called amortization it means that 23:59 the loan is being paid back over a period of time and if you borrow that 24:04 money as an equity release meaning that you're accessing cash but you're not 24:09 needing to use the funds straight away even if you put the funds um if the 24:15 loan was p&i and you put it in your offset account the bank will still 24:20 expect you to make principle and interest repayments even if the principle is technically zero if it was 24:27 in the loan right cuz say borrowed 100,000 and you put them 100,000 in offset technically you owe zero right 24:33 but by having principal and interest repayments the bank will expect you to make p and Ira payments on 100,000 so 24:40 and a lot of people get stuck with that saying why am I making payments to a balance that I don't even have well again this comes down to the fact that 24:46 you still owe 100K but the money is sitting in offset so that's your money but by having the loan as interest only 24:54 and the and it has to be a bank that uh has enough assist systems or or or good 24:59 systems that can identify the fact that it's a true interest only loan 100K 25:05 interest only 100K in offset therefore interest is zero therefore repayments 25:10 are zero so that that way you can have access to your money without having to come up with any repayments or affect 25:16 your cash flow uh because what can happen is I think people who constantly have to pay for something that they're 25:22 not using eventually say I'm just going to close this thing it's it's taking that money out of my account and I don't 25:28 even use the money but if it's not doing anything at least it's there as a as a buffer uh or it could be also prep 25:34 preparing you for the next investment purchase when you are ready give you time to do your your research and and 25:40 your structuring and your planning before you go and and you know spend the funds and at least you have access to it 25:46 in the in the offset account yeah yeah I I think that that's a really important point to make that um offset on a uh P 25:55 or principal and interest home loan won't change your repayment amounts right so yes you'll be paying more in 26:03 less interest excuse me on the on on the home loan but the bank has calculated 26:09 your repayments based on the fact that this loan will be paid off by 30 years 26:15 or 25 years so your repayment amounts are going to be the same offset doesn't 26:21 change that unless to your point you have an interest only loan and therefore 26:27 the interest on theot on the hot loan is going to fluctuate based on how much 26:33 you've got sitting in your offset yeah exactly it's explained really really well and um I guess one of 26:40 the other things we want to understand is around the benefits of having regular 26:45 contributions and I guess minimum um uh withdrawals can you explain that a 26:51 little bit and I guess how what imp implications or impacts that has to the borrower or the investor yeah yeah so 26:59 you know essentially um most people want to pay off their home loan suit right so 27:06 the the idea is that um the more you contribute towards this debt the faster 27:14 it will um be paid off the benefit of making those regular um deposits into um 27:22 an offset or having a high balance in the offset is that idea that the less 27:28 interest you pay the more you're actually able to to take off the debt or 27:34 the principal um o of the loan most loans um the banks calculate interest on 27:41 a daily um uh um cycle and then debit or 27:47 charge the interest to the home loan on What's called the payday of your home 27:52 loan the payday of your home loan um is generally set by based on the day that 27:58 you settled the loan so if you settled your loan on the 18th of the month then you know that's the payday some banks do 28:05 it on a calendar um a month but essentially the majority of banks will 28:11 calculate interest on a day byday basis so throughout the month if you're 28:18 increasing the balance of your offset or you're minimizing how much money you 28:24 take out of the offset at the end of that cycle the interest that you will pay on the home loan for that month is 28:31 always going to be less and that's essentially what you want you want to reduce the interest charges on your home 28:38 loan yeah you've explained that really well um when I used to work for a uh 28:44 non-bank lender in customer service um about 18 years ago this question would 28:50 come up a lot and the way I would explain that is um interest occurs daily 28:58 but it charges monthly so I guess what you know just to add on what I guess to elaborate what 29:05 that means is every single day interest is kind of like adding up but you just don't see it on your bank account or on 29:12 your loan or on your statement but it's in the background so it's accumulating or acre and then at the end of that 29:21 cycle it would charge to the loan and at the same time a repayment is required 29:26 whether it's interest early or p&i so to your point if you're making uh 29:31 additional contributions or extra repayments into the offset more 29:37 regularly that acrel instead of going up and up and up if you put money in it 29:42 drops down a little bit right and it goes down down then you put another one it drops a little bit further but if you wait till the end of the month it was 29:48 acre on a higher amount right that whole month so if you can bring it down it 29:55 will ACR a little bit less and then I guess what happens is because the interest is less that month but your 30:01 repayment is still the same if it's p&i you end up paying the loan not faster 30:06 because the repayments were originally calculated under the assumption that you were not making any extra payments or 30:12 any exactly right yeah exactly right yeah cool yeah and uh I want to ask a 30:20 little bit about um offset accounts for for commercial loans because a lot of our clients are commercial investors and 30:28 some of them would like offset from your experience and our clients what do you tell them when it comes to offset 30:33 accounts for uh commercial loans so the the landscape around 30:40 commercial or self-managed super funds is slightly different um and anybody 30:45 who's ever spoken to A lender would understand um that um regulatory 30:51 requirements can be different um you know these some loans are self-managed super funds um uh are regulated a lot 30:59 stricter much more many more conditions in terms of you know the types of property and how you manage it and 31:05 things like that um so it it goes without saying that the offset is always 31:11 going to be very different um if available at all right so not every um 31:17 financial institution who offers commercial lending or self-manage supervisor actually going to allow you 31:23 to have an offset account um I'm still in my learning phase in terms of the commercial and the 31:29 self-managed super funds and I know you and I have spoken a little bit about this um in terms of um the types of 31:37 offsets that you can have I believe um in the commercial lending space it's not 31:42 really an option um and then in the self-managed super funds uh it is but 31:48 it's also restricted around how you can use it um and the 31:54 flexibility um is a lot less in terms of those uh Financial institutions that can 31:59 offer it or do offer it um but I'd probably ask you to elaborate a little bit more on that um 32:06 Victor yeah so I guess for commercial the way I look at I look at it 32:12 personally is that you know it is commercial in nature right so commercial 32:17 meaning that you know everyone is in to make money and offset accounts um to my 32:23 knowledge were actually introduced uh by the financial planners Association back 32:28 in uh in the in the '90s and it was it was literally to to help the 32:34 consumers so Banks eventually conformed and they had to introduce them and allow 32:39 for them but if you think about it if you use an offset properly it doesn't benefit the bank at all actually because 32:47 you're paying the loan off faster and they're earning less interest and for mom and dads and consumers who are none 32:54 the wiser um you know they they they don't want to be taken advantage of so 32:59 that that's what these measures are in place to protect them and it's not really dis discussed in a fact of where 33:05 here to make money from you right it's more where he to help you to buy your your home and you know provide for your 33:11 family but once you jump into the commercial side it's very clear you're doing this to make money and so is the 33:17 bank so why would they be in a rush to offer things that mean they make less 33:22 money right uh and it also doesn't make much sense for you as a I guess as an 33:28 investor or or a business owner to be reducing the interest on your commercial 33:34 loans if they are tax deductible whilst you still have non-deductible debt such 33:41 as your owner occupied home so that should be the priority right so doesn't 33:46 mean you can't have them it's just most banks don't offer them um we do have a major bank that does but it is 33:52 restrictive to uh to full dock lending not leas do um and the lvr is capped at 33:59 65% that's a major bank and uh you know a couple of the non-banks offer them as well but they 34:06 are restrictive you need to um ask the question up front you can't expect that 34:11 it's just you can just add it whenever you want if you don't ask for it at the beginning you miss your chance uh and 34:16 then when it comes to smsf yeah most lenders don't offer it for smsf loans 34:23 but the ones that do it is it's called an e offset and an e offset off ET essentially means electronic offset so 34:30 it's not like you have a a card that you can access the money like a debit card 34:35 uh and you need to get permission each time you withdraw the funds because they can only go to One account and that is 34:40 your cash management account for the super fund so can be beneficial to have an offset for an smsf loan because 34:48 you're making regular contributions you might make extra contributions if that's what your accountant or financial advisor uh you know suggests however if 34:57 you don't have an offset and you put that directly into your smsf loan then 35:02 you may not be able to withdraw those funds anymore they're gone but you might need them because hypothetically you 35:09 might be out of a job for a period of time and you're not having any super contributions during that time um or you 35:15 want to buy another uh buy a property uh so buy another property and therefore having access to those extra funds can 35:23 be beneficial for you to to have an offset so when have a chat to Shel at 35:29 Logos Financial I'm sure she'll be able to explain that uh in a bit more detail 35:34 and uh yes that should cover that up yeah look I I think it's really 35:41 important to um particularly in um as an investor so um and depending on how 35:48 you've structured your loan to have a conversation with your accountant you 35:53 know as I said self-managed super funds are are highly regulated anyway um as is 35:59 any type of superannuation um fund really so how you manage it how you put 36:04 money into it how you how you whether you can take money out of it um is all 36:10 going to be dependent on those regulatory requirements so really important um and because offset is 36:16 technically Surplus cach you want to be making sure that you're using that s Surplus cach to benefit you and your 36:24 thinking about the structure I think the point that you made about um you know if you were ever out of a job and you 36:30 weren't contributing to your self-managed superf fund because of that 36:35 um um how would you how would the self-managed super fund make the repayments on the loan that's that's a 36:41 really important thing um to think about um again Surplus CL Sur Surplus cach 36:48 always think about what is the right strategy for you and how best to use it 36:54 y y agreed all right so I think we're getting close to wrapping up but I I do 36:59 want to just cover off a couple more things just at the end um here 37:05 is there's a I guess it's a bit of a hack and that is if you have a if you're 37:11 self-employed and you have a company and you don't need your ex your 37:16 your funds your basically retained profits or working capital you can actually put those funds into your 37:22 personal offset account and and as long as you return those funds into your 37:29 company account by the end of financial year so 30th of June and it's dollar for dollar so hypothetically took out 37:36 100,000 and then you put it back before that it's not considered a uh director's 37:43 loan and it's not considered a division 7A loan so it's like it never happened 37:48 so and I just got a calculator in front of me so if you owed 800,000 on your 37:55 loan on your home loan and the rate was say 6.24% just by having 38:01 $100,000 in your offset account if you were able to do that year on year you 38:06 would actually pay the loan off in 23 years instead of 30 years so you're 38:12 knocking off close to about about seven years so that's an interest saving of 38:17 just under $400,000 that you'll actually save just by doing this yeah people don't realize 38:24 uh what what impact it actually has of course being able to offset that much for that long it's not available for 38:31 it's not as easy for everyone but I mean even if you say it was 50,000 let's see 38:36 what that looks like you know that's that's nearly four years you're knocking off and you're still saving 38:42 $228,000 interest so as you can see uh guys an offset account can be very very 38:48 beneficial if you do it properly but there's a lot of intricacies around it and um when you get in touch with with 38:55 Shelley at Lagos Financial she'll be able to answer all your questions and go into a bit more detail and then of 39:01 course I'm always available to answer things that she's still learning um but I also wanted to uh sort of mention you 39:08 guys that we're actually going to be launching a new channel specifically for Lagos Financial so make sure you hit 39:15 subscribe uh the link is going to be in the show notes and in the description and we're going to be going into more 39:21 and more detail around these common questions that we get for for our clients yeah thanks Shell really 39:27 appreciate your time thank you so much Victor it was really good um to have this chat I 39:34 always love talking um you know home loans and banking so thank you so much 39:39 um and I look forward to our next chat yeah me too all right thanks guys thanks for listening bye cheers 39:48 [Music]

