
Guest Podcast 5: How to Assemble World-Class Teams and Leverage Collaboration

Guest Podcast 5: How to Assemble World-Class Teams and Leverage Collaboration

In this enlightening episode of The Outlier’s Edge podcast, host Niiamah Ashong sits down with Victor Lagos, a seasoned mortgage broker, property investor, founder of Lagos Financial, and host of the Debt to Financial Freedom podcast.

Victor shares his journey from personal debt to becoming a successful entrepreneur in the finance and property investment industry. He discusses how collaboration over competition has shaped his approach to business and life, emphasising the importance of respecting everyone’s unique journey.

Discover how Victor’s vision to elevate the consciousness of the planet drives his work and learn about the pivotal moments that have shaped his career. Tune in to gain valuable insights and practical advice on achieving financial freedom and optimising your finances

0:00 all right there we are hello there outliers y Shang here and thank you so much for letting me be a part of your 0:07 journey we focus here on the outliers EDS podcast on the Journey of going from an outlier to a trail blizzard and from 0:14 a trail blizzard to a world shaper what does all that mean it comes out to taking the things about you that have 0:19 created that unconventional success and being able to do it intentionally and 0:24 incorporating it into everything you do so that it continues to build out and have incred increased d dividends as 0:31 well as impact and profit so today we are playing with one such outlier one such Trailblazer in another way uh it's 0:39 Victor Lagos Victor it's an absolute pleasure to be in space with you here thank you so much for making the time to 0:46 share more of your journey and and what's coming up for you thanks for having me in the looking 0:52 forward to our chat yeah so am I uh I I'd like to start this conversation off 0:58 with just a bit of a reflection as to uh my experience of you so far you good with that yeah of course 1:05 yeah I have to take you in really quickly here so Victor what I get about you is that uh you're someone who plays 1:13 a a big game and has fun while doing it uh the the not only you having fun 1:19 yourself but you make it you make it accessible for others to join you in the fun uh I find that 1:25 like your goals keep growing um and at the same time when I meet you uh sorry 1:32 when I when I experience you like it can feel like casual it's like and this is one of my one of my favorite things 1:38 inside of uh inside of our community we have this saying that's called it's just a Tuesday it it's like it might be a big 1:43 deal might to other people but for us it was just just Tuesday um and so I I I 1:49 appreciate I appreciate that about you here where I feel like I feel like there's um class like you do things to a 1:57 high level of Excellence but you but you also have a real skill and being really accessible uh all the way through and I 2:03 don't think that that everyone has been able to do what you do in that regard I'm I'm grateful to be in space with me 2:09 no thanks for sharing it's good to hear the feedback you know so far but you know I'm happy to share more and more 2:16 and let your audience get to know me too yeah yeah well let's why don't we jump into that here uh Victor like let's 2:22 let's give some space we're gonna spend some time focus on you focus on what like how you see the world some of the 2:27 things that you're going through and the challenges you're taking on right now um what I would really what I would appreciate is if you can give us a bit 2:34 of uh context I think that's really a bit of context for you so share with us 2:40 some of like share with your journey your your yeah share us with your journey but including there like some of 2:45 the wins right now that you're that you're having or that you recently had uh so we get a chance to see like okay this is the game that Victor plays 2:53 yeah okay it's a big story so I guess we got to understand uh the context text 3:00 it's probably more around the the entrepreneurial and the the business owner Journey for me so I I play in the 3:07 finance industry and finance not so much in the um 3:13 Investments like you know shares and things like that it's actually more in the in the property side uh so uh I help 3:20 people who want to get financed to grow their wealth through property strategically right and that is uh 3:27 residential and commercial property in Australia and uh for me turning that 3:34 into a business has been a pretty long journey because uh it's pretty much the biggest 3:41 money-making industry there is right like Banking and finance and credit is exactly how the entire world is run uh 3:49 and and someone put it uh put it to me the other day you said I've really gone 3:55 into the belly of the Beast um and i' never thought about it that way but I do feel like I'm I'm basically an outlier 4:03 within the system that's trying to change it uh Inside Out basically and um 4:10 and that's the fun part that's intriguing to me that's intriguing to me keep going but I want 4:15 to find out more about like how how you're playing that way in your own outlier way yeah so I guess it's just Victor's business journey in finance 4:22 about um being aware that I you know I can help people oneon-one I can help 4:29 people one to many but I can help more when I can help others who have an 4:35 existing client base and an existing uh audience because they I'm not I'm not 4:42 there to to compete I think what I realize is the higher you go in business 4:47 and in life it's more about collaboration and not about competition 4:52 and the lower levels it's all about competition right what's the next guy doing how can I be like him or her you 4:58 know um you know look what they have that I don't like it's it's all this comparison but the high you go it 5:05 actually doesn't matter everyone's got their own journey and you can respect people for wherever they are wherever 5:10 they are and what they've achieved so far but you don't know the full story let's face it you you'll never know the full story unless you walk in their 5:16 shoes so you got to write your own story and and and you collaborate with others 5:22 this is for me it's like I find people that really believe in my vision because it's not actually my vision it's a 5:30 vision that I've tuned into which is to elevate the consciousness of the planet it's actually to help uh it's to help 5:38 everyone that's part of the uh ecosystem right who comes in and and it's a 5:44 win-win-win scenario it's it's not a zero zero sum game where I someone wins 5:49 and other someone else loses everyone has to win and and I realize that there are people out there that are quite 5:56 successful in their own right that that operate this way you 6:02 just don't see them as much in the public eye some of them like you and I will be out there doing podcast others 6:08 are not and I'm on the I'm on a journey to find those people and to connect with 6:14 them and to uh support them and to be supported by them and then to basically 6:20 have more doors open with others that have more uh influence or have uh big 6:25 circles and maybe even big Pockets so I can help uh to inspire them to do good in the 6:32 world you know there's a saying I came up with yesterday is like go hard to do good that's cool give us that saying one Go hard to do good 6:40 more time go hard to do good Al I'm gonna invite you right now 6:46 to like take that in for you right now and see what does that mean for you where's an area right now where you can go hard to do 6:53 good yeah well I set a goal yesterday uh an intentional goal to be earning uh 7:02 $350,000 a month and and it sounds like a lot of money um for most people it is 7:09 and if if you're the and I'm the first within my um lineage my generations to 7:15 actually even consider uh that that level of of wealth and I've got clients 7:22 that are earning way more than that and I the people that I'm within my support network one of them I found out is 7:28 earning uh $50 million uh and I don't know if that's a year or a month it might even be a month so that's so 7:36 really that's quite a small level relative because there is no limit the only limit is what we conceive right 7:42 what we perceive to be a limit is is in our own mind so and I have achieved 7:48 financial goals from setting these intentions along the way but I was playing at a smaller level but it was 7:55 high at the time you know I set a goal in 2006 8:00 2016 I said I want to be earning $660,000 a month and at that time and I 8:06 wrote it down and I and you know wrote the goal down and I let it go and I just you know I've gone about the journey and 8:14 at the time maybe the the limit to how much I'd ever earned in a year was maybe around 70,000 so to to to imagine from 8:22 70,000 in a year to 60,000 in a month that's a that's a pretty big gap but that that was a goal I set and then in 8:29 November last year I actually achieved that and I earned 60,000 in one month so I know that it works took a while but it Victor's goals achieved through manifestation 8:36 does work yes yes let me acknowledge you on that you you know we were coming on 8:42 here and you were talking about like the various stages of of a journey because you you had said something that really 8:47 lit me up around um uh Heavy Hitters you had used that those words Heavy Hitters 8:53 I I know as uh I was said actuaries that's so funny I like I like that that was like a life over life life there's 9:00 multiple but as outliers here um like a number of us are playing a big game and we want we want to hit heavy um and at 9:09 the same time like it like to me it's almost like there's like an identity of being a heavy hitter and I have like 9:17 little kids and I'm like like my three-year-old can be a heavy hitter he's not going to hit the same way someone else does that's much much grown 9:24 but for a three-year-old he could hit you know um and so when you when you 9:29 talk about the the goals you had set in the past and how it sits up with the goals you have right now um like in the 9:35 track the track record and progression there uh I like it it really calls to me it really calls me to that that space 9:41 there like at least what I get from you is like is just a strong sense of knowing you're like I've done this 9:47 before and it's not the number yes I haven't hit this number before but I have the process of you know you know 9:54 your process and you're like when I and I when I do my process it works 10:00 yeah exactly and I think everyone has to look for that process that does work for them uh because the power of 10:08 manifestation uh it it all just comes down to you know beliefs your internal beliefs your self-image um your your 10:16 focus um and and really just the two things that we can control and that is 10:22 our attention and our intentions you know those are the things that you know everyone wants to focus on the external 10:29 world and the influence that's going on out there but a lot of that's outside of our control uh and the two things that 10:35 are within our control is our attention and in intention and of course following that is the actions so it's having that 10:41 aligned action with with our intentions and putting our attention on that goal and it's not about the goal itself or 10:49 the result everyone always says this is you know fall in love with the process of the process um but and I it's not so 10:56 much about falling in love with it I think it's being ready to become the person like you said about identity you 11:02 have to become the person that that is worthy of that particular result right 11:08 you'll only ever receive what you believe you deserve right and you'll only ever receive what you're ready to 11:15 receive right and what you can handle right so that's the thing you got to consider like if you know I was talking 11:21 about this yesterday someone and imagine that you're his his analogy was like um 11:28 a rockstar someone wants to be a rock star and have you know you know perform in front of a 11:34 big audience and everyone cheering their name and but they don't want to pick up the guitar and learn and practice for 11:41 hours every single day and actually get better and better at their craft and you know do performances in front of the 11:48 stage they want to skip and be the rock star straight away but imagine they went to that Rockstar level and actually 11:55 performed they'd feel like a fraud they'd go home and feel like everyone was cheering me but I didn't even earn 12:01 this I just up there and I started playing guitar and they wouldn't feel right about themselves now you bring up the rockstar 12:08 I like this conversation because we're gonna like there's there's some things in here that are playing out for me in 12:13 my own life right now and with some of my clients so I'm gonna g to bring that out um you bring up the rock star and 12:20 what gets me is I I know I know a rockar and and someone who was up and coming 12:27 and what was really interesting was that we were talking and I saw him like grab his guitar and when he grabbed his 12:34 guitar there was like for the first like 45 seconds he was like looking himself 12:40 in the mirror and then checking out his various stances right so it wasn't like 12:45 the playing the guitar part got it right but he actually spent time like looking 12:51 in the mirror and be like okay looking up nope that's not it look it up a different way no that's not it let me 12:56 hold my guitar this way uh that's not the St like and it was really interesting because it started started 13:03 to show me just like what it really took to play at a at a level that 13:09 is that what it really took like like the the the hidden unknowns the amount the amount of work that people are 13:16 really doing where it's like well I can play the guitar just as good as I'm like yeah that's fine but like can you 13:22 energetically still stay on on topic onbeat projecting outwards when you you 13:29 have 50,000 people yelling at you in the other direction you know like that's a 13:35 different skill set exactly yeah I love that yeah it's like I like I like what Niiamah embodies "athlete" identity shift 13:40 you said about the energy of it and and that's really the the the essence of manifestation it's actually being being 13:49 the person that you need to be um now right so it's it's embodying that 13:55 version of you and letting go of the other version of you that doesn't doesn't meet that energy or doesn't 14:02 match that energy anymore right can we talk through this a little bit here because I want to make this a little bit real like I like to see how how the how 14:09 that lines up for you I'll share I'll share two examples of my interpretation 14:14 or like areas where I put it in into play for me a little bit um one of them is happening again right 14:21 now like like I'm in the middle of another identity shift here myself um the one that feels the most pal palpable 14:28 to me is uh in 2022 I made a decision to become an athlete um and I decided to take up 14:36 the sport of beach handball uh the the distinction for me there was 14:42 that it wasn't about like finding a fun way to go meet people it wasn't about 14:47 being fit it wasn't about staying active like I decided I'm going to be an athlete I'm like actually not I am going 14:54 to be like in the future it's like as of now I am am an athlete I 15:00 might be the world's worst athlete but I have stepped into the game as an athlete 15:06 and I will build myself going forward as an athlete a couple weeks ago I recognized that I had actually um I 15:13 hadn't really my my my weight I had gained weight I was being sluggish on the field uh like and things were 15:20 happening with beach hampo I was like what's going on I was like oh I slipped I slipped out of the I'm an 15:27 athlete I need to go to a practice because that's going to help me train for like the competition and whatever 15:32 else like like I like instead I became I went back to being a dad who wanted to 15:38 find like a way like because it's good to stay healthy and so I treated Beach handball just like I treated the gym and 15:44 everything else that was like physical activity which was like yeah it' be nice if I get to it but if I don't like it's 15:50 also not the end of the world you know and it's just like it was like it was better to be the world's worth athlete I 15:56 showed up more in ignment with what it would take to be successful then than 16:02 when I wasn't when I totally took myself out of the game and had a different type of identity altogether what do you get from that what what lights up for you in 16:09 that uh maybe you have an example of your own yeah yeah that's a really good example because um like you said you 16:16 when you really um decide right and I think the word decide is really important because it comes 16:23 from uh what does it come from the the origin the atmology of the word decision 16:29 yeah but I come remember the the the original Source but basically uh it comes from scissors right decision so 16:36 it's like cutting so when you cut you you're essentially leaving the other option behind and you've decided on the 16:43 other one and you're only focused on there and and I think that's the part of the identity shift is that you when you 16:50 when you truly decide it's not a negotiable it it is what it is there's 16:56 no like you know your your body and your your subconscious mind and everything 17:02 starts honing in on that what you fully decided and committed to it's not something you have to convince yourself 17:07 anymore it just is so let's I I I do like I want to bring this one one last 17:12 time here because like when I get into like the the use and like and exal like I lose it loses its concreteness for me 17:19 so tell me about the time right now and it might have been just what you just did right now with the with the new Revenue goal you know um but maybe give 17:27 me another example of a time where you made that decision like like uh particularly like help make it real for me take me to a story take me to a time 17:33 when uh so I can kind of see how this actually plays out for it okay so I'll give you an example so yesterday when I 17:41 made that decision to actually before I even got to that full decision I I sat 17:48 with myself and I basically meditated so I don't I don't meditate just to avoid 17:54 you know thoughts I actually go in into a particular state um you know and so 18:00 I'll I'll I'll meditate I did meditate and and I had these worries and before I 18:08 went to meditation had these worries and fears about um um having too much 18:14 expenses and not enough income to cover these expenses within the business right because as you grow you have to invest 18:22 in software staff and all these sort of things and and there's always a risk 18:28 when you take on too much it's why businesses fail right they've got too much outgoings not enough incoming so The power of decision, embodiment 18:35 Victor Victor can you hear me right now here yeah we we broke up slightly here and I and I I I apologize for that but 18:41 if I'm getting you right here you're talking about like as you're making this goal your mind actually went to expenses 18:47 and expenditures and like like how that would also increase to to actually be able to meet this goal am I getting that 18:53 right yeah and just I had an emotion that made me feel like I was taking on too much or like I was I was putting I 19:01 was increasing my expenses and I didn't have enough uh assurity or certainty 19:06 that the income would meet that so there's like this the Surplus deficit game right you always want to have 19:12 Surplus because if you if you're in deficit you're having to borrow money in order to cover those losses and some 19:20 types of businesses can operate that way because they get investor Capital but if you're bootstrapping you need to earn 19:26 enough to cover your costs right and and so then I had that emotion and then I and I said to myself what would it feel 19:33 like if I had 300,000 going to my account next month 19:38 what what would that emotion feel like and that's what I meditated on I got to that state where I wasn't having a story 19:45 or or a feeling that I didn't have enough but I actually had 300K in the account and it put me at ease it put me 19:52 at at this level of self-confidence where like everything's fine I've got plenty of of Surplus like it's not even 19:59 a thing to be concerned or worried about not having enough because that's like 20:05 abundantly uh in Surplus right so so I embodied the emotion during that uh 20:11 meditation and that's when I guess the intention was there and then it wasn't just that right like you do that that's 20:18 that's that's fine now it's like how do I then bring that version of me to every 20:23 day and how I how I act and how I how I do things and how I communic Comm unicate with everyone so then the next 20:30 step yesterday was I actually spoke to my strategic advisor so I have a a 20:36 strategic advisor who is not a coach or or a mentor as such she's helping me 20:43 with strategy because she's got she's worked with large businesses and organizations to set up strategy and and 20:49 plans to move forward and and I told her that and then she said do you want 300,000 revenue or 300,000 20:57 profit and I said actually profit because I where my expenses are at the 21:04 moment I see probably around 50,000 a month would be a level that I'd want to 21:10 stay at based on staff and systems 50,000 a month with expenses which means 21:16 I would need 350,000 Revenue to have 300,000 profit and because I've got 21:22 multiple businesses that I'm working on she can actually help me set up a strategic plan and how to create Revenue 21:28 models different Revenue models and to actually make it real not just this idea 21:33 that I have but actually set things in motion and you know she's done it for her own business you know she turned her 21:40 business to a million dollar a year business within six months uh she's done it for large organization so it's not 21:45 like she can't do it so the the mind can always say oh this is hard I don't know what I'm doing but if you've got it 21:51 right in front of you and someone can guide you it's just a matter of believing that it's possible and we 21:57 talked about um the the way the brain works and I'm not sure if you've heard of this it's 22:03 called the the raas the reticular activation system right um and 22:11 then bring it into our space I've heard of it but bring into our space from like like what the RAS stands for you and how 22:17 and how you leverage it okay so we talked about the RAS and also uh the Reticular Activating System and self-image 22:23 self-image so there's a book called psycho cybernetics uh which I've I've 22:29 read it's one of the classics in personal development and and it talks about a 22:34 self-corrective mechanism so if you imagine the two examples I gave so I'll 22:40 go back to the r but the for the self-corrective mechanism it's like an airplane uh is is it has a particular 22:48 trajectory and if so it knows where it's going it has the Target and even if it's 22:54 off by two de if it continues on that trajectory it's going to be very far Off the Mark it's not going to reach its 23:00 destination so it has a self-corrective me self-corrective mechanism which will 23:05 bring it back into that pathway to arrive at that destination it will do 23:10 that automatically like autopilot basically and our our essence or our 23:16 brain has the same ability based on our self-image on who we believe we are so 23:22 if we have set limits or we've experienced certain uh income levels it 23:28 will self-correct and say I want to be a millionaire but I've only ever earned 100,000 so then you try to as soon as 23:35 you get close to 100,000 or or or ver off that's towards a million it will say 23:40 no no no let's go back to 100,000 because that's the belief of the self-image that you have about yourself 23:46 so you have to upgrade that self-image and change it to a million dollar or whatever that goal is and what does it 23:52 look like and then the r Works similar in that once you're focused on that your 23:59 brain will start fil uh filtering out things that aren't relevant to achieving that and it will it will uh start 24:06 focusing in on things that are and an example of that is say you wanted to buy the example we gave yesterday was if you 24:13 want you set a goal of buying a car and that car is a say a Mercedes C63 and 24:19 it's and it's red and it's not common you don't see a red C63 but because 24:24 you've decided to buy one and you're saving for it and you're going to take out Finance to buy this red car you 24:30 start seeing more of them on the road you're like wow another C63 and it's red and another one but before that you 24:36 never saw them they were so rare and it's because the RAS knows that you've decided on that particular goal and now 24:43 it's looking for it it's scanning the environment and it's filtering out all the other black cars and the yellow ones 24:49 and everything and just purely focused on so that's that's the context of the 24:54 RS and then um yeah let let me come in on this one here VI because you brought Niiamah wrestling with self-image conflicts 25:01 in two really important contexts and you know like the way I like to play is um I 25:06 try and go for what's the experience we can get beyond the information okay and so I'll share a bit of my experience as 25:12 as just as you're bringing it in and um so two things the the self-image um you 25:18 had you had a name for it it wasn't just self-image was it you call it the um oh the 25:25 self-corrective mechanism the self corrective mechanism and that was based on the image that you see of yourself 25:31 right the and and like the identity that comes along with it so I want to bring in both of these and just play with both of these a bit here uh and outliers we 25:38 like as as Victor and I are exploring this I want you to take some time right now to like think about it for yourself 25:44 right let's just break this down one like how do you see yourself right now right two like what is what is it that 25:51 like what is your goal here and and does the way that you see yourself line up with that goal and then let's continue 25:57 to play like as as Victor and I are exploring this here let's make this real like even if for the next five minutes 26:04 you decided to like take this and say I'm going to I'm G to play with this I'm going to bring this into my world right now I'm going to gain some skill set or 26:10 some experience with this here that's going to do you better than just like us continuing in the conversation to the next idea right so I'm heing you 26:20 and I'm I'll just be honest like are you good with us playing with those two ideas right now with the 26:26 r I'll bring real OT into real experiences all right cool so let's let's do it so right now 26:34 because I'm like I'm like oh I know this I know it and as you say it I'm like oh I'm not doing it so first things first 26:40 is I love how what you choose to do with meditation all right um and one of the reasons I say I love it is because you 26:47 aren't doing it from the conventional or like the yeah the conventional wisdom the standard conversation around it you 26:54 know you're like I choose to use this time for spefic specific purpose and it's not just to clear my thoughts and 27:01 Achieve then you know give me 27:06 what so there's there's that that that really cost me because there was a time 27:11 where I was meditating and I found myself actually I now call it like priming priming myself for the day you 27:17 know and it's a different element than than the than the closing things out right or or one two self-image 27:26 so I bring into the business right as as the time of this recording I'm wrestling 27:32 with two different images right the one image is um I tell like I'm like I'm an eight 27:39 figureure entrepreneur that's that's the one that I want to go for right um and I 27:44 and it wasn't that always at first it was I'm a sixf fig year coach who's living a freedom like has a freedom 27:50 lifestyle um and then the last year I got a chance to have like half days um and I was like this is not it for me 27:57 like I don't want half days I would like I want to go out and make more impact and there's something still about the a figure entrepreneur that I think is 28:02 still missing the impact side for me so it's probably it's probably closer to to like movement leader or something like 28:08 that right so I want to say that because that's like the ideal that's what I that's what I like kind of bring in but 28:15 as you were talking I'm like if I'm honest with myself my self-image is still is one of up like upand coming 28:24 entrepreneur you know trying to figure it out entrepreneur you know like like 28:29 uh right now we're recording I'm in my garage and like uh I think about it for some reason I felt better in my home in 28:35 my home office then come to the garage I'm like I'm like there so these so there's these like that image is at is 28:42 clashing like with my my reality right now it's clashing there so um I want to make that real because hey I realized 28:49 that this podcast is actually a form of documentation for me people will come back in five years like how did you get 28:54 here you know I'm like well go listen to episode number you know for something and you'll hear where I was like when I 29:02 like when I was like I just got in my garage for the first time I didn't have what you see around me right now so I want to I want to bring that in firstly 29:09 right and I love for you to like let's go back and forth a little bit ask me some questions around it if if you want like um but but I want to start off with 29:17 like right now I I think that's that's truth I have a an image that I want to 29:23 to be in I have an image that is actually being reinforced and I love to like hear bit about like like what 29:29 you're hearing from that or what you've done in the past when you've run into like those kind of issues yeah yes that's a it's a good Victor's APTI process for emotions 29:37 it's a good question because um everyone has to find what what process works for them in order to 29:45 um I guess change from where you are to where you want to be 29:51 internally and then the external results will follow right we've talked about the RAS we've talked about self-corrective 29:57 that's all external things that will happen but you got to change the internal so we need to figure out how do 30:02 we change the internal and for me and the process that's worked for me to date 30:08 is I've come up with an acronym and that acronym is how I operate and it's um a p 30:18 t so a stands for acknowledge and I I'll go into each of 30:24 them a is acknowledge uh p is process um 30:30 uh T is transmute or transform and I is 30:35 integrate and so the first one is the acknowledgement so you've just done that you've acknowledged that you have this 30:41 internal conflict right you have an image held inside around the garage 30:47 around you know being an eight figure entrepreneur or being an aspiring entrepreneur so does an inner conflict and there's nothing wrong with having 30:53 that you just you got you're bringing awareness to it so now that you know that you have to then um you've 31:01 acknowledged it you so then when I say I meditate you I go into that emotion and I process it because the 31:11 processing is where people forget they they run from emotions they run from Fear they they um suppress emotions you 31:19 know they they get distracted and keep themselves busy to avoid them but 31:24 they're there for a reason to to be processed and um everyone's talks about expressing 31:31 emotions and I think it's actually better to process emotions because expressing means you're putting it 31:36 outwards and you you attract back what you put out to the universe so if you're 31:41 putting out expressing emotions of anger or despair or worry well now you're 31:47 actually in my view you're actually attracting similar experiences because you're putting it outward but if you process it you're taking ownership of it 31:55 you're being fully responsible of for that and and that this is the which 32:01 takes you the next stage is by processing it you feel it so you find it 32:06 so what I do is I find it wherever it is in my body it's in my chest it's in my solar plexus area um it's in certain 32:13 parts of tension in the body and then I sit with it and I process it and I breathe into it but it's no judgment 32:19 because the moment you judge you're resisting it your your your and what you what resists persists so don't resist it 32:28 just allow it to be processed and you and that might be some tears right that might be some anger feelings you know 32:34 some some you know you know that inner child might be like scared and things like that so it's about nurturing 32:41 yourself if you imagine your one of your children is experiencing emotions you're not going to say you know be a man or 32:48 something you know like um you know just deal with it um you're actually going to create a space for your child to 32:54 actually experience those emotions without uh without without judgment right and you do the same for yourself 33:00 so then that's the processing part and then the next part is the transmutation piece because there's a saying that um 33:07 energy cannot be created or destroyed it can only be uh transmuted or destroyed 33:13 not destroyed um transmuted or transformed so therefore once you've processed it you still have this energy 33:20 it's there now it's time to to transmute it into energy that serves you and I 33:27 always say my intention is I now transmute this energy this emotion into 33:32 energy that serves my highest good that serves my soul's purpose that 33:38 isn't in alignment with who I really am you know so it's not there's no 33:44 ambiguity it's not like I'm not tying it to a specific goal it's just being who I 33:50 actually am right that authenticity and that's when I change that energy and the last one is to is to integrate with it 33:56 so now it's you know you've had that conflict you've had that separation it's now time to to unite once again right 34:03 and that's the integration you you become that energy you take it back and you and you yeah now you start being a 34:10 Force for good more and more and and I've been doing that yeah for for years 34:16 uh the last probably couple of years uh maybe last 12 months or so I came up with that acronym and I just stick with 34:23 that framework and you know even yesterday I did that but but I needed some help from 34:29 a friend of mine um who's also working in my business currently because she's done a bit of hypnotherapy and she 34:35 helped me kind of navigate that because I was also stuck in an emotion where that self-image was um worried about the 34:44 expenses and you know all the costs that were lining up but then the other part of me that had complete faith and a 34:50 system to then create 350,000 a month it was a conflict so she I imagine that 34:57 emotion and then I imagined that emotion and then I basically you know did exactly the same thing I processed it 35:03 and then I integrated and merged and now now I don't feel that negative or worried feeling about money like I 35:11 did thank you Victor thank you for thank you for taking the time to like really slow down be with this here and like The importance of support, expertise 35:18 make this real you know I think that's think like this is where 35:23 um I've always had a big I don't know why always but I think there's an 35:29 element of bringing it to like how did it actually play out you know and I'm 35:34 glad that we said like I I appreciate you bringing in like your actual goals right um and and setting the context for 35:41 us to see like hey this is not just like something you heard on a you know on another podcast and you're like like 35:47 like now I'm just going to repeat to you this thing it's this thing that you you actively practice and you're act and 35:53 you're actively using it to create the goals that that you have have 35:58 like you set out for yourself yeah and I I think that's I 36:03 think that's I think that's really real I think that's really real um I also want to note something that you you br 36:08 brought in here and out just want to put put this in here like um throughout this conversation you've been really clear 36:14 that like you've gotten support in many different from like your strategic adviser to the friend that like is like 36:20 working with you in the business and so on and so forth to like to your team or you're like when I look at the expenses and I look at to go to this thing I'm 36:26 going to have to increase the expenses there right but I look at that it's like you're going to need more team more more support from that place I just want to 36:32 really like call that into this conversation we're about to start rapping up overall but I like I I it's 36:39 been it's been walking alongside you in this in this conversation I wanted to see if there's anything you want to 36:45 speak to around um both get in support but also put in 36:51 yourself in positions whether it's asking for being a part of groups whatever it is that you're doing uh to 36:56 actually receive support and and how that how that's been impacting you throughout yeah yeah it's it's probably 37:03 one of the most critical things that I've um applied that's helped me um achieve everything um it's it's not a 37:10 solo sport it's not something that you do on your own yes you have to deal with your own internal blockages uh and 37:17 emotions and self-image and all of that that's that's obviously very very important but when it comes to the 37:24 execution you need other people and there's a few different um again coming 37:29 back to acronyms there's three that I've sort of focused on and and one of them 37:35 everyone's heard of which is a lot of people have heard of is called OPM other people's money um and that's when other 37:41 people invest or you're borrowing from Banks right the other one that people don't think about is opt and op opt is 37:50 other people's time and op is other people's expertise I don't know everything 37:56 there's a lot that I don't know so I want to have people around me that know more than I do in the certain uh you 38:03 know segments or silos when it comes to business right and and to be successful 38:09 in business you really need to handle three different things I believe and one of them is having very uh robust systems 38:18 and processes to follow and easy to for others to replicate um and of course 38:25 automations that come with that um you need to have um basically a good marketing and sales 38:33 system right this customer acquisition you need to actually have clients to serve um and a and ways multiple ways to 38:39 to bring clients in and then you need to have people and this is where you have a 38:45 good culture of people who deliver on a high level of service have similar 38:50 values um that are you know High Achievers maybe they're more entrepreneurs than they are 38:56 entrepreneurs so they'll help help you your business grow but they don't want to go out there and and own a business 39:01 and take on all the risk that comes with um that we talked about all the expenses that come when you own your own business 39:07 and you know um the emotional roller coaster that goes people want to be part of a bigger Vision so so that's exactly 39:15 what I've done in my in my own business on this journey is that I've paid for 39:20 external support and other people's expertise so I've had business coaches 39:25 which you know you upgrade them as well I've upgraded business coach I've had um I've done courses so mentoring programs 39:33 where I learn about um more and more detail about high level about what you 39:38 know I guess high level but also more detail around Building Sales funnels and marketing funnels and um you know 39:47 tagging databases and building your mail list and all this sort of you know stuff that's important when it comes to the 39:52 marketing side and then so then you have um that's the external help uh sorry so 40:00 the coaches and and Automation and then you have um uh Consultants so I've hired 40:06 Consultants that will help Implement right because coaches will tell you what you need to do but they're not going to 40:11 help you do it right they'll keep you accountable and remind you that you have to do stuff but if you're already busy 40:17 and you got a big list of things to do it actually just adds on more pressure and you're like actually this is 40:22 actually hard for me to to to dedicate time because I'm trying to juggle clients and stuff and do all this so I 40:27 hire Consultants that will actually go into my business and basically become a 40:33 part of it for a period of time so I've had Consultants have come in and build out my systems because I don't know how 40:39 to systemize things properly they've used the framework and they've worked with my staff to actually create the 40:44 systems and map them out so and they keep my staff accountable and create them you see so U and I've had other 40:51 Consultants that have actually also mapped out my process and step by step and then gone into my actual CRM and 40:58 actually created the tasks so that they come up for the staff members and then for my sta my support staff and then 41:05 also given them training uh as well whether that's video or support where I'm not even present a train master and 41:11 then I've had another consultant that's also trained um my virtual assistant to do my podcast distribution because I 41:19 didn't know how to do that so someone else um would actually train my my virtual assistant to actually post it 41:25 all on the socials how to create you know captions and hashtags and all this sort of stuff I don't know how to do 41:30 that so I get someone else to to teach them right um and then yeah I guess 41:36 that's pretty much the other people's expertise other people's time and team 41:42 it's just hanging in there right I've had to lose people you right like I've had people that have like staff that 41:47 overseas that have come on I've committed time three months they said they were in it with me and then they 41:54 quit and they got another job another one did it again third time I finally got someone who I'm 41:59 super glad and he's been with me for um a year and a half and I have literally 42:04 trained everything that I used to do which was the the loan writing stuff uh for the for the mortgages and I I record 42:11 it you know I record it all on zoom and then I saved the zoom videos in a in a Google Drive Library so he can always 42:18 watch them and you know I've done that with the past one so he can watch the past one so that's that's how I've done it as well so yeah I hope that gives you 42:26 some context oh it gives me context Victor I like it gives me context it gives me life like Victor leverages OPM, OPT, OPE 42:32 like like um yeah the as you're talking it's quite lovely to hear this um 42:39 because it's I hadn't heard of the other well that I heard of other people's money but 42:45 that was that was it um and I really enjoyed the way that you 42:50 like you you what what I really took from there that felt really like I'm like oh I really want to bring this in 42:57 is a consultant part and like using the Consultants to help bring like bring in not just complete projects but also like 43:03 to like take over parts of what you were doing and help your ongoing team be able 43:09 to be successful there right so it's like all I can bring in someone to be fractionally me right in this in this 43:15 regard they can figure out these components and then teach it over and there was one last thing that really caught to me and then will we help to 43:21 wrap up this conversation here um but it was really good to hear you 43:27 say like well I don't know how to do that CU like CU I don't know how to do that like and I was like I was like you 43:33 know my favorite superheroes right or like anything 43:39 that's like Fantastical and all that stuff I love all the people who have the abilities to like take or mirror other 43:45 people's skills you know I read like a Korean man I'm like oh the 25th night 43:50 from this movie Tower from this man wild Tower of God I'm like he gets hit by something he gets their power you know 43:57 watch you see Rogue or like there was a US show called Heroes on NBC for a long time and someone could like they were 44:03 all just take it they just the people like the people who can use everyone's powers like those are those are 44:09 it and yet because what's happening now you're you're playing two things are 44:15 playing inside of me one of them is like that Superhero part power if I want to be the superhero that's where I go um 44:21 but on the other side of it is um I watched the Marvel um the Marvel movies right the Marv Cinematic Universe and I 44:29 realized like oh I want to build my own team of Avengers when I might like you know like let's go find like that's what 44:34 the business is about like let's help outliers basically go out assemble the world's best outliers and whatever my 44:41 current level is you know and above uh and let's go do things that only we can do and then we'll keep playing from 44:48 there I thought I was Captain America and someone and I said that to someone 44:53 uh who was who was in my sphere and she said back she's like you're not Captain America in theama I was like what she's 45:00 like no you are you're Nick Fury and and that was like a huge thing 45:05 for me real like like like you're right like I care about assembling The Avengers I can be a normal human you 45:12 know but I would love to like get these people together and be like so now that you're here what do we want to do with it you know yeah uh and so like so so 45:20 when you talked about like the I don't know how to do that I realized like I'm like am I playing the superhero who need 45:27 to have every single skill and say if you want to come into my world I can help you with everything or they want to 45:33 play more like Nick Fury and be like don't worry I'm running this Avengers as much as you're the Blockbuster thing 45:39 that you are you're just a part of my I have to direct the whole rest of Shield you know this is just like one project 45:46 this one initiative that I have this is not even all of it you know yeah um and there so there's something in what 45:51 you're saying there that's just getting me to as I go and I spend time to get back into myself image you know and and 45:59 to see where how I want to use my R and so on and so forth I think there's something really important there around like changing the view point of me as 46:06 superhero or me with having to know it all or do it all or teach it all or whatever it is and instead step back 46:12 into that place of like I'm here to assemble and then y'all just make y 46:17 gonna make it happen yeah yeah I think that is a the skill of a like one of the Assembling collaborative people and teams 46:22 powerful skills of an entrepreneur is actually being able to assemble good people and get them all working in a way 46:30 that is um collaborative and supportive and you know everyone 46:37 participates and you know being but also just being okay when like people outgrow 46:43 you or it's not in alignment with them you don't you're not forcing people and saying I'm the boss and do what I say 46:50 like that's not the way to operate as an entrepreneur people have to buy into the vision because they believe in that cre 46:57 a vision and Mission that you're on and they are on that same mission for themselves in their own life you know 47:03 I'm on the Financial Freedom Journey so everyone that comes into my space is also on the Financial Freedom journey 47:10 and they are learning and they are growing and they are becoming more financially free not just from the money 47:15 that I pay them but from the people that they get to connect with and build other relationships with within the network 47:21 and from the learnings that they get from the podcast from you know the content that they're researching 47:27 it's like everybody wins and I think that's that's the that's the fun part is 47:32 actually helping people to become better versions of themselves because they're 47:38 within the the ecosystem you know well I think it's a wonderful place for us to wrap up for today uh Victor let us know 47:44 I'm I'm gonna end up with uh two quick things here one uh if someone wants to 47:50 continue down your world they want to find like spend more time with you on any in any capacity here what are the 47:55 best ways for them to do that uh yeah there's there's two ways uh one is to find my podcast on if you if you 48:03 search on YouTube or Spotify or or iTunes it's called debt to Financial 48:09 Freedom and um you'll also find me on my website which is Lagos financial.com 48:17 Au and um you'll be able to even get to the podcast from there too and if you're 48:23 not based in Australia and you have access to to Capital and you want to look at opportunities to invest into um 48:31 Growth Properties and consider everything around risks and you know putting money aside and taking on 48:37 lending from an financial institution in Australia my team can help you with that 48:43 so just uh yeah book a call through the website and we'll we'll do a discovery call and see what's possible yeah that's 48:49 awesome I feel like I feel like as a result of this conversation that might become a part of people's like images 48:55 you know like like oh wait like own property in multiple countries you know like so I I love how that all that works 49:01 together um all right so we're going to do this here the I'd like to end on a on 49:08 with what I call the Time Capsule question and the Time Capsule question goes like this it is a lot of it's not 49:13 about looking backwards but it's actually about leaving a message right now for your future self let's say that 49:19 in 10 years from now you were going to come back and get a video and it was you 49:24 talking to you what's the message that you would want to remind yourself that you want to make sure that like the 49:29 person 10 years from now doesn't forget yeah good question so I would Just be who you are 49:36 say um 49:42 just just be who you who you actually are and don't try to be who you think 49:48 the world wants you to be just be you that's what I would say yeah and with 49:54 that like I want to thank you Victor thank you for for being you here thank you for bringing you uh and thank you for bringing us all closer to both the 50:01 the we that we are right now as well as stepping into who we are becoming the the in alignment with that I appreciate 50:08 you uh I I I I just feel honored all right I I'm grateful for you be well 50:15 thank thank you n really appreciate it

